Why We Argue – The Answer to Everything

This article explores the complex relationship between different perspectives and the multifaceted nature of truth. Through an allegory about two people painting their own interpretation of a 3D object, it illustrates how our individual experiences and beliefs can differ, yet simultaneously contribute to a greater understanding of reality.

Reading time: 6 minutes

The Challenge of Explaining Truth from a 3D Perspective

3D Cubes

3D in 2D

You and your friend have decided to draw the same object on a piece of paper. It might not be the easiest thing in the world, but with a forgiving attitude: not the hardest either. Intuitively, we can now understand that this object can be rotated infinitely, and therefore you and your friend can draw the object an infinite number of times.

From a 2D perspective, there are infinitely many perspectives. From a 3D perspective, the object is finite.

Perspectives and Perceptions

Would it be better if we just used your perspective, or would it be better if we used both your and your friend’s perspectives when describing the 3D object? Obviously, combining both perspectives gives a better description of the object. For each perspective that is drawn and combined with the others, we get a better picture of the whole – and with each perspective added to the overall picture, we approach the truth. However, a problem remains: no matter how many perspectives we add and no matter how much we explain, we will never be able to perfectly explain this mysterious 3D object from a 2D perspective. The essence and feel of the 3D object remain unknown no matter how many perspectives are added, as long as you can only view it from a 2D perspective, due to the fact that a higher dimension cannot be seen from a lower one.

Our 3D Existence – Only A Perspective of a Higher Truth


Our life is an experience in 3D, and each life and experience is a perspective that tells us something about a higher truth. The number of perspectives is infinite. Some may seem more beautiful, funnier, more attractive, more violent, crazier, richer, poorer, but all are equally valid. Even a perspective that seems completely wrong to you is still part of the truth. Each of us sees the world from our unique starting point, and what may seem incorrect or misleading to one can provide valuable insights to another. From each perspective, the experience is real – until it is no longer.

Every person’s reality is part of the truth, and the ultimate truth is the sum of all perspectives; we can intuitively understand that this is reasonable, but we cannot see this truth because it is of a higher dimension.

The Complexity of Disagreement and Truth

An Extra Spice: Disagreement.

Suppose you and your friend, in the example of the 3D object to be depicted in 2D, start arguing and throwing paint at each other because your perspectives differ. ”Your drawing is worse than mine. You have described the object incorrectly!”

That’s how the world works. An inability to see perspectives or to grasp what truth is.


It’s actually worse than that: religions have caused people to kill each other through the millennia; making their perspective the absolute and holy truth that cannot be questioned. It’s just like you stabbing your friend because the perspective didn’t measure up. ”He offended the truth” – according to you. That’s how absurd the world’s understanding of truth is.

Our stories and viewpoints are all part of a larger truth – even those that are absurd. Each viewpoint contributes another line, another angle, enriching the overall picture. We cannot see the truth, but we can feel it intuitively, because our consciousness belongs to this higher dimension. We catch glimpses, visions, and that’s where mysticism, spirituality, and to some extent religion come in.

Realizing that each story is its own truth leads further to what the ultimate truth really is; it should reasonably contain an infinite number of stories and flirt with theories about other realities and universes.

  • True insight can never be coercive.
  • Understanding the truth is entirely personal.
  • Spirituality is discovering one’s own truth.
  • Religion is choosing someone else’s truth.

Attraction is the key

Attraction as the Key to Understanding and Communication

To get others to listen to your perspective, attraction is the key. Not force. Not ridicule or humiliation, because no one listens to that. You must love your enemy. This is the only way because love is the language that penetrates all perspectives, lies, and propaganda.

If people understood this, it could lead to heaven on earth.

The Role of Fear and Control in Belief Systems

I am not religious or Christian, but I find it interesting to see my thoughts, such as the above ”love your enemy,” reflected in various religions. Abrahamic religions are based on fear – ’obey or burn in hell’ – which in my opinion is used to monetize and control spirituality, which is something deeply personal. Therefore, we live in a very materialistic world, or a world governed by fear in many places.

So when the Abrahamic religions talk about the devil, they are really talking about themselves, because it is they who have turned spirituality upside down. Instead of finding security within themselves, which is natural if one is seeking insight, they have instead tricked people into searching outside – via, for example, the church. Scared people are easier to control, and fear is precisely what is achieved when people’s connection to their own inner selves is broken. In this way, people have been scared into seeking security in church and state, thus making themselves a tool to be capitalized on by the powerful. The lie is so big that most people don’t reflect on how much it affects the human experience. We have simply lost a big part of what we humans are in this way.


In my opinion, hell is the same as the broken connection to our inner selves. It means that religion, especially the Abrahamic religions, has already placed people in hell by tricking them into looking outside instead of inside.

Where is the last place you look?
Inside yourself!